Never have I seen such an overwhelming amount of submission in the piano genre as this week, which brought me to a bundle form of publishing, which - given enough demand - I intend to maintain, namely: "Piano Marbles of The Week". I reckon that not only the music you're about to experience fits well together, but each of the artists will also appreciate the comparison and connection drawn between the lines.
Iñaki Garcia "Exterior Dia": The Satie-esque marble.

Dreamy, thoughtful and captivating - such would be the three words I would choose to describe this recent release by a Spanish composer who goes by a catchy name Iñaki Garcia.
Impressionist at its core, the music swings elegantly from bar to bar, creating an atmosphere found in the early hours of a summer morning, with the first rays of sun hitting the water, which in turn begins to reflect the surrounding beauty of nature. Similar to the above image the piece evolves and elaborates on its core, keeping the listener well informed of the current scene, as well anticipating the oncoming event, which - presented with a rubato - swings in one at a time with elegance and a masterful delivery.
Lucas Van Kesteren "Bridges": The melancholic marble.

Lucas Van Kesteren is a Dutch pianist who spoke to the melancholic part of our hearts, with a piece that speaks exactly that language, in volumes.
Caught between longing and anticipation, the composition is carried on a strong melodic effort, which - rich in a variety of influences - has the potential to appeal to a wide range of listeners. It's cinematic/pop melody and a classical delivery comes together into a musical endeavor that seems to have endless applications, film soundtrack inclusive.
Enjoy this calming marble at the link below:
Steve Luck "Sway": The waltz marble.

Familiar with the name, I was rather confident I would be some kind of convinced after hitting the play button - little did I know, I would not just be well convinced, but be well on the way to falling in love too. "Sway" is a waltz-like composition by Steve Luck, who proved once more to be a promising pianist, one who writes with skill and intent. Elegant through the roof, the piece features multiple movements, each a stand-alone marble and together a mountain of those.
Enjoy irresponsibly:
Bart Sunshine "Macaronesia": The illusive marble.

Bart Sunshine is another name we are well acquainted with and are always excited to hear from. The recently release "Macaronesia" takes richly from impressionism, classical, as well as cinematic, combining the three into a sound that lives up to the giants the likes of Chopin and Satie, but delivered with a much lighter, undemanding spirit. The contemplative, yet playful melody drives the song up and away, while the left hand blows gentle, constant sweeps of accompaniment, making sure the melody remains at flight.
Easy, pure and beautiful, here's "Macaronesia":
Glenn Natale "Mystics Unite": The improvised marble.

Improvisation may look easy, but so does ice-skating. Listening "Mystics Unite" by Glenn Natale, it became quite evident to me that the piece - to a smaller or larger extent - was improvised. Resting on a beautiful, deep accompaniment, the right hand, far apart from its companion to the right of the keyboard, twinkles and graces with a divinely liberating melodic effort. Although simple at a first glance, the composition soon begins to grow and evolve, presenting a spectrum of sound, which complete with an emotional delivery signifies the capability and musical prowess of the pianist.
Levitate away to this:
Daniel Hubert "A Glimpse Of Hope": The hopeful marble.

Loyal to it's title is "A Glimpse of Hope" by Daniel Hubert, who reached us with his uplifting composition from Austria. Swinging in gently on arpeggios, the piece is soon enriched by a cinematic/pop melodic effort, lifting the spirit of the piece and everything that comes near it. Charismatic and convinced of its own right, the music bring out the best in the listener with its approachability and an undeniably positive, hopeful core.
Light up your day at the link below:
Chamberfield "Adjo Havet": The wise marble.
Last but not least, I would like to share with you this recently released neoclassical gem by an American artist who calls themselves Adjo Havet. While the piece only begins with just piano and soon intertwines with an array of strings and ambient sweeps, I chose it a fitting companion to the rest of the list for two reasons. One being the nature of the sound of the piano instrument, which much like the other tunes is immensely beautiful, the other reason being that among the available submissions, this one definitely stood out as a 'marble'.
Allow this beautifully composed, ever-evolving neoclassical composition to move you in ways you may have forgotten were possible. Link up above.
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