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Dom Mason "Neon Gnossienne No. 1": A piano treat for the impressionist part of heaven.

One must be either yet to be born or deaf to never have heard of Erik Satie's Gnossienne's. And now that you're either flattered or feel awkward, allow me to introduce you to "Neon Gnossienne No.1" by Dom Mason - a pianist from UK, who admits to his aspirations with Mr. Satie.

Impressionist without any disguise, the piano sweeps the listener up and away into stratosphere so mystifying, it could only have been bred in the rooms of Satie, Debussy, Ravel and the likes. Now reimagined by a living artist, the piece pays every respect to its predecessors, making great use of rubato, waltz-count and mixing in hints of Arabic scales.

The impressionist part of heaven is surely having a hoot of a night tonight, listening to this.

Here's "Neon Gnossienne No.1", as we await no.2:


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