Before we enjoy some peaceful music, I would like to draw yours, dear reader, attention to the destructive, murderous evil unleashed by Putin on the free world. Ukraine is currently shielding the rest of the world with courage, but also - unfortunately - innocent blood. Blood of not only thousands of troops and grown civilians, but also infants - over 200 children dead and many more injured. We at MDWYS, encourage you to show all and any support you can, be it monetary or informative to our war-ridden brothers and sisters. Here are some links you may find useful:

Andrea Sertori returns to our blog with a richly composed piano marble entitled "Morning Drops".
Familiar with this pianists talent, my expectations were high, but then also very much met. Written around a classical core with notes pop and jazz, the music reeks of beauty and elegance in each bar. Soaked in non-verbal story, the music - vivid as it is - puts the mind into a picturesque lull.
Head over to our friends at - a new platform for musicians who are looking to get their music placed in playlists, ours inclusive.
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